Saturday, July 11, 2009

Download Windows 7 Build 7264 Leaked x86 and x64 ISO (RTM Branch Escrow)

With the official general availability of Windows 7 is set to October 22nd, 2009, Windows 7 RTM (Released to Manufacturing), the final code piece that going to be released, has also likely to be finalized soon. It’s almost 2 weeks ago since Windows 7 Build 7260, also on RTM branch, was leaked to Internet as VHD image, and now finally a newer Windows 7 Build 7264, in original untouched and unmodified ISO image format, is leaked.

However, Windows 7 Build 7264 is likely not to be the final RTM build, as a show-stopper bug been found when it’s a candidate for RTM. Besides, an even newer build such as 6.1.7265.0.win7_rtm.090624-1905 has been known to be compiled by Microsoft. However, it’s the latest build to available to general public for free download. Both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) of Windows 7 Build 7264 is available with complete build string of 6.1.7264.0.win7_rtm.090622-1900. So the build was compiled and signed off on June 22nd, 2009.

Click here to download the 32-bit version.

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